Sunday, May 17, 2020

Informative Essay About Craft Beer - 1102 Words

As I sit here on this park bench pondering the writings of Thoreau and Emerson, I remove a lukewarm beverage of the alcoholic variety from my backpack and evoke the creative juices. Although some may question the legality of drinking alcohol in public, let me declare that at least it’s in a can. As I sip on this bitter liquid, I inquire as to the source of the non-conventual thinking that is Transcendentalism. Many themes seem reminiscent to eastern religions and Native American Philosophy. As most researchers of Native American culture will attest, many of their mythologies and allegories of nature were a product of the psychedelic experience induced by peyote. With that thought I look down at my brew, with its tiny bits of condensation†¦show more content†¦I’d hold it in my lap and wait for the head to settle before taking my first sip. The moment it touches my mouth I can feel my brain sending singles to my neurotransmitters like an air traffic controller. à ¢â‚¬Å"Attention Nero’s, go ahead and release some dopamine and a little serotonin, let em know everything’s gunna be alright *walkie talkie voice*.† I lick the bubbles from my mustache and feel the excessive amount of alcohol that is contained in this small glass, warm my chest with solace. I attempted to introduce my then roommates into my new-found interest but was met with opposition and expressions of disgust. One roommate said it felt like he was drinking fabuloso (a cleaning product). I protested initially and tried explaining the sophistication and subtleties of the beer I chose for the night. They were use to throwing back beers or chugging. I was into the overall experience and slowly enjoying my beer with all its complexities and varieties. My beer was meant to adjust to room temperature, not poured into a taste numbing ice cold class. I learned that my beer however would be the only one not stolen in our shared refrigerator. This forwarded my interest and broadened my palette for the most vicious unfavorable beer any person would dare attempt to drink. I don’t want to leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth about craft beer. Let me walk you through your first craft beer experience. You walk into your local groceryShow MoreRelatedExamples of Book Review9130 Words   |  37 PagesExample of Book Review The Ka, a novel An example of book review writing can be found listed with most books sold on the Net and on the writer’s Web sites. A good sample book review would pertain to writing your personal feelings about a book that you’ve read. Writing a book review is not to be confused with writing a summary of a book. Writing a summary is a totally different matter and that will be covered eventually in my Articles section. 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